
“Invariant” refers to something that does not change or remain constant under a specified transformation or set of conditions. In various contexts, the term “invariant” can have specific meanings: Overall, the concept of invariance underscores the idea of stability, consistency, and constancy in the face of change or transformation, whether in mathematical, scientific, or computationalContinue reading “Invariants”

The modern view of nature’s building blocks

Enormous progress has been made during the past generation in identifying increasingly detailed constituents of the fabric and behaviour of matter. In this article, a West African physicist explains our present understanding of the make-up of matter at the microscopic and even more infinitesimal levels. He accentuates the role of accelerators in the process andContinue reading “The modern view of nature’s building blocks”

The Root of All Evil

Complementarity in Quantum Physics Complementarity in quantum physics refers to a fundamental principle that describes the dual nature of certain physical properties, such as wave-particle duality, and the limitations of classical concepts in explaining quantum phenomena. This principle was first introduced by Danish physicist Niels Bohr as part of his interpretation of quantum mechanics. AtContinue reading “The Root of All Evil”

Sto. Agostinho sobre a natureza humana

Jan Edward Garrett See it in English Agostinho tirou de Platão a visão de que o eu humano é uma alma imaterial que pode pensar. Platão sustentava que após a morte as almas daqueles que mais amam as formas subiriam para contemplar as verdades eternas, uma espécie de céu além do espaço e do tempo. Agostinho disseContinue reading “Sto. Agostinho sobre a natureza humana”

Bênção do giz, teofania e outros sacramentais

See it in English postado por Roque E. de Campos 12 de Janeiro de 2024 Sacramentos e Sacramentais Bênção do giz e teofania A bênção do giz da Teofania é sacramental. Em muitos lugares é chamada de Epifania, mas na verdade é uma Teofania, que é uma palavra grega que significa a “aparição de Deus” ouContinue reading “Bênção do giz, teofania e outros sacramentais”

Theophany Chalk Blessing and other Sacramentals

Veja em Português Sacraments and Sacramentals Theophany chalk blessing Theophany chalk blessing is a sacramental. In many places it is called Epiphany, but actually it is a Theophany, which is a Greek word that means the “appearance of God” or the “manifestation of God.” In Christian traditions, Theophany refers to the manifestation of God inContinue reading “Theophany Chalk Blessing and other Sacramentals”


O envelhecimento é o efeito da passagem do tempo sobre tudo que existe, especialmente sobre os seres vivos. Pássaros idosos – pressione e veja o video Pássaros idosos não voam e não existem casas de repouso para pássaros. Portanto, os passarinhos mais jovens os alimentam. Essa é uma EXPRESSA mensagem para que seres humanos, senão conseguiremContinue reading “Envelhecimento”

To be or not to be

Veja em Português Roque Ehrhardt de Campos This post is the result of a challenge that arose from reading a book (Ultimate Reality: Religion, Philosophy and Science) by a friend philosopher, Gary Stilwell, This book grew out of a course he taught in quantum physics that sought to describe Physical Reality. This initial frame ledContinue reading “To be or not to be”

Groundhog Day

A synonym for Groundhog Day could be “repetition,” “monotony,” or “cycle.” These words suggest the idea of repeating the same experience or situation over and over again, much like the movie Groundhog Day in which the protagonist experiences the same day repeatedly. The same happens in those two other movies: Just another Christmas Long StoryContinue reading “Groundhog Day”

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